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Are Christians ‘atheists’ with respect to other religions?
10 Sep 2011
What does it mean to be an ‘atheist’?
by Carl Wieland, Don Batten
Scopes at 100
25 Aug 2020
The 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial pitted evolution and creation against each other in the courtroom.
by Robert Carter
The long story of long ages
27 Jul 2011
The Genesis account of recent creation is in direct opposition to pagan long-age superstitions.
by David Green
Are there dragons in the British Museum?
15 Apr 2019
When some early fossil hunters unearthed the bones of creatures, they recognised them as more than mythical animals.
by Amelia Hunter
The Grand Canyon in the thralls of shallow, doctrinaire uniformitarianism
01 Sep 2017
Uncritical rehash of the same set of old arguments that are imagined to nullify Flood geology.
by John Woodmorappe
DVD makers copy mantis shrimp eye design
24 Aug 2013
The fine nanorod structure of the mantis shrimp eyes allow it to rotate the polarization across the spectrum. This could help DVD players to process much more information.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Miracle fruit
21 Nov 2016
Here’s a fruit that is “good for food” (Genesis 2:9) in a way that might surprise you.
by David Catchpoole
Hebrew Scriptures as an aid to developing a creationist taxonomy
26 Aug 2011
Do biblical words provide a framework for a creationist taxonomy?
by Jean K Lightner
Evolution—the ultimate antidote to spirituality
15 Jun 2009
The Bible says “God is spirit”. Evolution says “the spirit realm isn’t real”. They can’t both be right.
by David Catchpoole
When is “Intelligent intervention” acceptable?
12 Dec 2009
In trying to duplicate conditions whereby life is supposed to have arisen without intelligent intervention, evolutionists use intelligent intervention.
by JS & DC
Clergy Letter Project a circus
03 Feb 2009
Atheist Zimmerman invites clergy to dance to his evolutionary Clergy Letter Project.
by Adrian Bates
Peat bogs
09 Jun 2014
Are these ancient heaths and mires really 10,000 years old or more?
by Jonathan O’Brien