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Martin Rudwick on ancient history and modern creationism
21 May 2015
His Salon magazine article recognizes how the Bible paved the way for radical change but he still gets his facts wrong.
by John K Reed
Creation in-depth: Proteins from random amino acid chains?
01 Nov 2013
Have experiments shown that a high proportion of random polypeptides naturally form native-like folds?
by Royal Truman
Is it ok to be a Christian and believe in evolution?
05 Jan 2021
Can you be a Christian and believe in evolution?
by Joel Tay
A painting 95 million years in the making
22 Jun 2020
Did octopus fossil ink really survive millions of years?
by Phil Robinson
New dinosaur Lingwulong shenqi
01 Apr 2020
Lingwulong shenqi, ‘amazing dragon of Lingwu’, is a Diplodocus-like dinosaur confounds evolutionists by being in the wrong place and time
by Jonathan Sarfati
The death of my beloved wife
26 May 2020
Death will come to all of us unless Christ returns, so how can we be comforted after the death of a loved one?
by Clarence Janzen
Natural Selection in Paradise
14 May 2020
The fact that some organisms reproduce more than others, depending on the environment, means that natural selection will be operating in the world before Adam sinned and death and suffering entered in.
by Robert Carter
The importance of the age of things
24 Oct 2016
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Don Batten
Large Hadron Collider continues to confuse
27 Sep 2008
If the LHC discovers the Higgs boson, would this prove the big bang? And did CMI get the LHC proton energy calculations right?
by Russ Humphreys
Does creation damage Christianity’s credibility?
28 Mar 2015
Do compromising interpretations of Genesis help apologetics?
by Lita Sanders
Creation is just the beginning
23 Jan 2017
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker
The church of Jedi … believe it!
18 Jul 2017
Jedism is becoming more popular, with millions of claimed adherents. What’s really behind this phenomenon?
by Gary Bates