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O Lord our Lord, How Excellent is Thy Name
24 Dec 2014
King David wrote Psalm 8 to celebrate God’s glory as Creator.
by Rev Richard Pike
Submarine canyons bigger than Grand Canyon
09 Dec 2019
Carved as Noah’s Floodwaters receded
by Michael Oard
Can we know the truth?
16 Jan 2010
If we cannot know the truth, as some claim, then Jesus was wrong. Also, experiences must be judged by God’s Word, the Bible.
by Lita Sanders
Luke Howard: namer of the clouds
05 Sep 2017
How the Latin names we use for clouds today were invented by young amateur meteorologist Luke Howard in 1802.
by Russell Grigg
Soft-bodied fossils and plant survival
09 Jul 2011
Are they possible in the Genesis Flood?
by Drs Tas Walker & Don Batten
Indonesian mud volcano keeps erupting
02 Jul 2012
Geological forces inside the earth unleash disaster
by Tas Walker
The origin of the Carboniferous coal measures—part 3: a mathematical test of lycopod root structure
01 Feb 2013
Part 3: a mathematical test of lycopod root structure.
by Joanna F Woolley
‘More than a pile of stones’
28 Aug 2014
The battle of world views is often most fiercely contested when it concerns the believed age of rocks. Northern Ireland’s Giant’s Causeway illustrates this particularly well.
by Phil Robinson
The Bible: is it guilty until proven innocent?
23 Jan 2018
Challenge the assumption that we should be skeptical about Scripture!
by Lita Sanders
Abortion Choices
05 Oct 2020
Abortion involves at least three choices which involve personal preference, the value of human life, and whether to take responsibility for one’s actions.
by Thomas Bailey
E. Coli’s electric motor: a marvel of design
22 Nov 2021
The bacterium has “remarkable” and “sophisticated” nano-scale electric motors
by David Thomas
Exploring Intelligent Design language in Genesis 2 and Acts 17—yatsar and poieō
22 Apr 2016
Evidence of God’s creative craftsmanship is even found in the very words of Scripture.
by Andrew Sibley