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Newton was a creationist only because there was no alternative?
24 Sep 2022
Most branches of science were founded by biblical creationists. Some skeptics claim that there was no evolutionary alternative.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Canaanite DNA disproves the Bible?
04 Aug 2017
Fake news on Canaanite DNA ‘contradicting’ the Bible sets the science news media buzzing.
by Shaun Doyle
Separating fact from fiction in a farcical story!
03 Dec 2019
Do ancient fossil feathers found near the South Pole actually belong to dinosaurs? Or is this another National Geographic fantasy?
by Phil Robinson
Stars just don’t form naturally—‘dark matter’ the ‘god of the gaps’ is needed
01 Sep 2015
Despite claims that stars formed from primordial clouds of gas, the known laws of physics show that to be impossible.
by John G. Hartnett
Astonishing DNA complexity update
03 Jul 2007
The study that has overturned the idea of ‘junk DNA’ has also revealed yet more astonishing complexity.
by Alex Williams
Counting the stars
09 Mar 2024
How many stars are there? The Bible got it right!
by Werner Gitt
Crouching tiger, hidden dinosaur?
17 Jun 2020
For the Chinese these huge creatures were not mythical.
by Don Batten
How evolution is driving the clergy to atheism
24 Apr 2014
Struggling ministers say doubts sparked by evolution caused them to abandon the Bible, their faith and their pulpits.
by Warren Nunn
Is there a universal way Christians should interpret the Bible?
05 Feb 2013
Many Christians struggle to know how the scriptures should be interpreted. This is particularly problematic for many looking at the book of Genesis.
by Calvin Smith
The amazing cave people of Malta
15 Feb 2017
Evolutionist indoctrination has led many to link the idea of ‘cave dwelling’ with the notion of ‘primitive subhumans’. But this does not logically follow, as recent evidence confirms.
by Joseph Mizzi and Michael Matthews
Standing firm (Raymond Jones interview)
16 Oct 2013
Leading scientist shows how ‘radical’ ideas can lead to the greatest breakthroughs.
by Don Batten and Carl Wieland
Kangaroos: God’s amazing craftsmanship
10 Dec 2014
Did you know that this faunal icon of Australia uses less energy to breathe when it’s hopping than when it’s standing still?
by Rebecca Driver