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Granite formation was catastrophic
25 Nov 2013
In spite of what the tourist sign says.
by Tas Walker
Biblical creation: the only real way?
02 Jan 2016
The only real way?
by Shaun Doyle
Why do children lose their trust in the Bible?
06 Dec 2011
We need to teach our children that the Bible reliably reflects the real world.
by Gary Bates
The Importance of Question Evolution Day
09 Feb 2016
Many people think that they can’t make a difference in the debate, but you can help spread the message!
by Cowboy Bob Sorenson
Poor scholarship and self deception
19 Nov 2010
A review of The Bible, Rocks and Time by Davis A. Young and Ralph F. Stearley
by Michael J. Oard
More reasons to doubt Darwin
06 Nov 2014
Stephen Meyer’s assessment of the facts regarding the ‘Cambrian Explosion’ is a devastating exposé of further fatal flaws in the Darwinian dogma.
by Philip Bell
Jettisoning Genesis and the silent genocide
13 Jul 2020
The astonishing numbers of abortions performed each year is indicative of the complete loss of society’s Judeo-Christian foundations, which should drive Christians to their knees in prayer.
by Gavin Cox
Dolphin sonar (still) far better than man’s
13 Sep 2023
Dolphins use ‘double sonar beam’ to narrow down prey’s location. Algorithm used to analyse this could help design better body scanners.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Wagging a finger at creationists
21 May 2016
Answering a critic who scolds creationists on moral and intellectual grounds.
by Keaton Halley
Tetrapods from Fish?
21 Aug 2015
Does the case for land-walking tetrapods, Tiktaalik and ‘fishapods’ as evidence for evolutionary transitional forms stand up to scrutiny?
by John Woodmorappe
Defending the Bible?
26 Mar 2015
Can one defend Scripture while denying essential parts of its message?
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner
Yoke-Peng Kong’s journey from Buddhism to Christ
05 Jul 2011
Understanding Genesis was the key to confidence
by Yoke Peng Kong