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Bathybius haeckelii and a ‘reign of terror’
13 Aug 2010
Was Huxley’s falsified ‘find’ of protoplasm just sloppy science or a deliberate deception to advance evolution?
by Andrew Sibley
God’s rest—A problem for theistic evolution
25 Aug 2016
While the Bible says God finished His work of creation, theistic evolutionists say the world is still under construction.
by Keaton Halley
‘The people who walk backwards into the future.’
25 May 2011
How Genesis is the key to reaching an animist people group.
by Russell Grigg
Vitamin B12
08 Feb 2013
Evidence of design.
by John McEwan
Perspectives on ancient chronology and the Old Testament—part 1
26 Apr 2019
How can we begin correlating the Bible’s chronology with data outside the Bible?
by Murray R. Adamthwaite
Journal of Creation
Journal of Creation Volume 8 Issue 2
A history of humankind distorted by evolutionary thinking
01 Mar 2019
This so-called history of humankind is drenched in evolutionary conjecture.
by Peter Line
How do we love our neighbor?
24 Jul 2014
It is difficult sometimes to get the appropriate balance of ‘grace and truth’ when responding to opponents. Here are some principles that CMI uses.
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner, Keaton Halley
Hebrew professor: Genesis teaches six solar days!
30 Mar 2015
Hebrew scholar explains why Genesis 1 teaches solar days and a young earth, and why it matters.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Common ground with old-earth creationists?
08 Sep 2013
How significant is the common rejection of evolution that biblical creationists share with old-earth creationists?
by Shaun Doyle
‘Light from the big bang’ casts no shadows
06 Jun 2016
If Cosmic Microwave Background radiation came from the big bang, we should see shadows as it passes through galaxy clusters, but the predicted ‘shadows’ are not found.
by John Hartnett
Hey, not so fast with the Nobel Prize!
03 Apr 2014
Cosmologists cast doubt on recent evidence cited for big bang ‘inflation’
by John Hartnett