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Fossil evidence for alleged apemen—Part 1: the genus Homo
29 Jun 2006
Morphological analysis points to genetic variation within the one human kind, so the case for human evolution collapses.
by Peter Line
Can we be good without God?
29 Jul 2008
While atheists may live ‘good’ lives, what can ‘good’ possibly mean under an evolutionary worldview?
by David Anderson
Bears across the world …
31 Aug 2022
They seem cute when young. And cranky when they’re older … but bears are some of God’s most amazing creatures!
by Paula Weston and Carl Wieland
Modern birds found with dinosaurs
28 Oct 2013
Fossils of many modern birds are found with dinosaurs, but almost no museums display them.
by Don Batten
The origin of Ayers Rock
14 Nov 2014
The evolutionary story of how Ayres Rock/Uluru was formed does not stand up to scrutiny.
by Andrew Snelling
Is there definitive evidence for an expanding universe?
19 Aug 2014
Some big bang cosmologists end up with the conclusion they want to find simply by turning the evolution knob.
by John Hartnett
Exploding stars point to a young universe
20 Jul 2011
Missing supernova remnants refute millions of years
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Evolution vs. God
18 Jul 2013
Can evolutionists answer tough questions about their beliefs?
by Lita Sanders
Creationism, Science and Peer Review
02 Feb 2008
‘If creation is really science, then why isn’t it published in secular peer-reviewed journals?’
by Andrew S. Kulikovsky
The ‘giant footprint’ of South Africa
14 Jan 2012
Firewalking giant or fortuitous weathering?
by Shaun Doyle, Carl Wieland
Archaeopteryx (unlike Archaeoraptor) is NOT a hoax—it is a true bird, not a “missing link”
by Jonathan Sarfati, CMI–Australia
Johannes Kepler (1571–1630)
20 Apr 2016
The world knows about the laws of planetary motion thanks to the faithful scientific endeavor of the Bible-believer Johannes Kepler.
by Ann Lamont