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Who were the ‘sons of God’ in Genesis 6?
12 May 2020
Figuring out one of the most curious passages in Scripture.
by Gary Bates
World record enzymes
17 Aug 2006
Without special enzymes, vital reactions of life would take as long as trillions of years. Their origin is a mystery even to evolutionists.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Climate change, Niagara and catastrophe
A geologist takes a closer look at ‘global warming’—and comes up with a surprising reminder of the rapid formation of Niagara Falls.
by Emil Silvestru
Seeing back to front
21 Mar 2018
Claims that the human eye is wired backwards have proved shortsighted.
by Carl Wieland
Faster than Light?
21 Aug 2021
A star appears to explode faster than the cosmic speed limit.
by Joshua Howells
Sharks: denizens of the deep
21 May 2014
Few creatures alive today incite more fear and awe than these fierce marine predators with their razor-sharp teeth. But not all sharks are harmful to man.
by Paula Weston
Great gecko glue?
These wonders in miniature has a super special stick-ability.
by Jonathan Sarfati
How did the earth dry out after the Flood?
02 Jan 2021
One objection to a global Flood is the thought that the wind that blew across the earth would be insufficient to dry the land. This is nonsense.
by Robert Carter
How long have Aborigines been in Australia?
The antikythera mechanism
30 Aug 2021
The Antikythera Mechanism has proven to be an astonishingly complex mechanical computer capable of predicting the planets positions contradicting evolutionary ideas of primitive ancient man
by Gavin Cox
The enemy revealed
24 Sep 2009
The root cause of why Christianity is losing the younger generation.
by Calvin Smith
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist …
29 Jun 2022
An aerospace engineer who designs missiles shoots down evolutionary ideas.
by Carl Wieland and Jonathan Sarfati