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Why nail biters don’t cry
22 Feb 2023
The humble fingernail turns out to have intricate design. The middle layer has fibres aligned to prevent tearing down to the nail beds, and the two outer layers make nails as strong as hooves.
by Jonathan Sarfati and David Catchpoole
Sorry, atheists, but you’re wrong
05 Jun 2014
Vicious, mindless, random acts of violence are on the increase.
by David Catchpoole, Warren Nunn
Life on Earth 2.0—Really?
13 Aug 2015
The discovery of Earth 2.0 has evoked a speculative frenzy about it being habitable but does reality match the rhetoric?
by John G. Hartnett
Perils of Theistic Evolution
06 Dec 2012
The case against theistic evolution must not be silenced by claims that creationism brings the gospel into disrepute—on the contrary, the stakes are high and this is no time for surrender!
by Philip Bell
Unfair to Islam?
22 Nov 2008
What does the Qur’an really teach about Jihad? Are most Muslims peaceful, and what is the significance of this?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Is Genesis psychology or history? A response to Jordan Peterson
26 Jul 2018
A response to Jordan Peterson’s lecture series on the psychological significance of the biblical stories.
by Lita Cosner and Paul Price
Salamanders are ‘living fossils’!
13 Nov 2013
How can something long known to be living, be dubbed a ‘living fossil’?
by David Catchpoole
Are we made in God’s bodily likeness?
01 Feb 2015
A reader suggests our physical form is like God’s spiritual form. Can Scripture help us decide if that understanding is correct?
by Shaun Doyle
Ganymede: the surprisingly magnetic moon
28 May 2010
Why were scientists surprised and why it means it is young.
by Wayne Spencer
New creation cosmology
25 Jun 2009
Dr Humphreys’ new time dilation creation cosmology solves the distant starlight problem for relatively close stars.
by Russ Humphreys
Andrew Lamb, B.Sc., Dip.Ed.
Andrew Lamb, B.Sc., Dip.Ed.
Geomorphology provides multiple evidences for the global flood
23 Apr 2024
Geologists struggle to explain how features such as mountain ranges and plains formed by a slow-and-gradual process and ignore evidences that point to a global flood.
by Michael J. Oard