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Dino protein denial
29 Dec 2009
Rather than question the millions-of-years paradigm, researchers are willing to not just ignore key evidence, but even to find ways to deny it!
by David Catchpoole
Did God make Adam ‘half-female’?
23 May 2020
Are women superior to men because they have one more X chromosome?
by Shaun Doyle
Standard snake evolution story stymied by spate of fossil discoveries
10 Feb 2017
Paleontologists struggle to definitively answer the conundrum of their origins and the fossil record still says no to evolution.
by Philip Bell
Almost-great Bible study has fatal flaws
14 Feb 2019
How should we think about a Bible study that is flawed regarding creation and the Flood?
by Lita Sanders
Dino stumble preserved in Utah fossil trackways
01 Oct 2010
Evolutionists miss obvious evidence for Noah’s Flood because of preoccupation with dino-to-bird speculation
by Tas Walker
How does andesite lava originate in the earth?
02 Oct 2015
Questionable assumptions about how volcanic andesite lava is produced suggests caution before accepting uniformitarian interpretations.
by Michael J. Oard
The ultimate machine
19 Apr 2023
PhD anatomist David Kauffman points out that the human body is ‘ultra superior’ to anything that people have been able to invent.
by Carl Wieland interviews human anatomist Dr David Kaufmann
It’s about time
03 Jun 2010
Secular researchers agree: creationist helps develop the most precise clocks in the universe.
by Carl Wieland
Namibian genocide—a precursor of the Holocaust
19 Jul 2011
A Review of The Kaiser’s Holocaust: Germany’s Forgotten Genocide and the Colonial Roots of Nazism by David Olusoga and Casper W. Erichsen
by Marc Ambler
Jacques Monod and theistic evolution
Jacques Monod and theistic evolution
by W. Peter Gadsby
Creation in-depth: Fossil jellyfish
04 Jul 2014
From ‘2.5Ga’ rocks in the Pilbara, Western Australia.
by Philip Worts
Journal of Creation 18(1) Table of Contents
Journal of Creation 18(1) Table of Contents