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Punching holes in Scripture
14 Jun 2018
When someone rejects biblical teaching in one area, it shouldn’t surprise us when they end up eventually rejecting all of it.
by Lita Sanders
“Conservative” news site publishes pro-evolution misinformation piece
16 May 2019
A new article from a well-known conservative news site promotes evolution uncritically.
by Paul Price
Blob or baby?
With scientific advancement comes ethical issues, particularly when it involves human life.
by Alexander Williams
White Squirrels?
30 Sep 2021
White squirrels appear in a handful of towns in North America. How did they get there? Is it evolution? Is white fur a beneficial mutation or a curse?
by Thomas Bailey
Were stem cell-like organisms the first forms of life?
22 Jun 2019
Stem cell-like ancestors of sponges only make early life more complex, and the probability of evolution less likely.
by Matthew Cserhati
40 failed predictions of Evolution
14 Nov 2023
Scientific hypotheses that make falsified predictions should be abandoned, so why is cosmic Evolution still accepted?
by Don Batten
Spiral galaxies: too many for the big bang
26 Apr 2022
Supercomputer simulations show that proposed dark matter halos cause too many galaxy collisions.
by Joshua Howells
Evolution is evidently not scientific
11 Aug 2020
Evolution cross-examined in the dock. A British lawyer prosecutes his case against neo-Darwinian evolution.
by Lucien Tuinstra
Species were designed to change, part 2
22 Jul 2021
Where do species come from? How much change is allowed? If species change, what separates creation from evolution?
by Robert Carter
Must I be a scientist to truly understand the Bible?
25 Mar 2010
All you need is a basic grasp of the issues, not a science degree, to counter today’s widespread evolutionary arguments against God, and reach out to the lost.
by Greg Demme
Interpreting the geology of Central Australia using Noah’s Flood
18 Apr 2019
A geological guide book reveals landmarks, patterns, and puzzles.
by Tas Walker
Molecular motors show incredible design
05 Sep 2020
Dynein and other molecular motors showcase God’s amazing design in biology.
by Don Batten