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Why the Miller–Urey research argues against abiogenesis
30 Dec 2016
Does the Miller–Urey study prove abiogenesis or does it in effect revive the concept of spontaneous generation.
by Jerry Bergman
Birth control leader Margaret Sanger: Darwinist, racist and eugenicist
03 Feb 2017
Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood, the leading pro-abort organization in the USA. Darwinism influenced her support for eugenics and reducing the population of ‘less fit’ races, including ‘Negroes’.
by Jerry Bergman
The lion that wouldn’t eat meat
29 Aug 2012
Really? A vegetarian lioness? Yes indeed, an ‘echo’ of Eden …
by David Catchpoole
Regenerating ribs
25 Apr 2018
This ‘bone’ of contention is actually a reminder of God’s creative genius.
by Carl Wieland
Did Darwin recant?
15 Apr 2009
Did Darwin recant?
by Russell Grigg
A direct test of the flat earth model: flight times
06 Dec 2016
A direct test of a flat vs. spherical earth is possible using published airline flight data, conclusively showing the earth is not flat.
by Robert Carter
The Bible’s high view of women
03 Dec 2010
Grounded in the creation account of Genesis
by Lita Sanders
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Marxism, law and evolution: Marxist law in both theory and practice
22 Apr 2011
Marxism is still influencing contemporary legal thinkers, but what sort of society will law without God lead to?
by Augusto Zimmermann
Is Jesus Christ the Creator God?
01 Nov 2023
Jesus’ miracles showed His power over creation—no need for evolution.
by Russell Grigg
The authority of Scripture
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Incarnation: Why did God become Man?
23 Dec 2019
Why did the Creator take on human nature? How does this relate to Genesis creation and even before that?
by Jonathan Sarfati