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Do creationists have to resort to secular ideas to explain geology and astronomy?
23 Jul 2011
Do creationists have to resort to secular ideas to explain them?
by Don Batten, Shaun Doyle
Corals and sponges and ur-complexity*
27 Oct 2007
Secular scientists are continually expressing astonishment at the complexity they find in creatures they presume to be primitive, and at the fact that they contain a proportion of DNA sequences identical to those in humans.
by Andrew Lamb
‘Acellular’ first life?
06 May 2012
Did the hypothetical ‘first life’ need to be cellular?
by Don Batten
New visitors’ centre opens at Giant’s Causeway, Northern Ireland
10 Jul 2012
World-first innovation includes creation explanation
by Tas Walker
God is light!
31 Dec 2019
God’s love is widely seen today as some sort of ubiquitous ‘security blanket’ against the prospect of judgment of sin.
by Russell Grigg
Exploring the God Question 1. The Cosmos, Part 2 (Multiverses)
07 Dec 2014
A DVD discussing whether or not God exists promotes multiverses, not Genesis.
by Russell Grigg
Meet ‘Mr Living Fossils’
27 Jun 2018
A former evolutionist who has worked as a research biologist now has a museum that highlights creation.
by Carl Wieland
Teething problems
by Jasmine Ireland
In-depth: Refuting anti-Christian arguments on history
25 Apr 2014
A review of Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies by David Bentley Hart.
by Lita Sanders
Evolutionary Spore game supporters attack CMI article and Christianity
20 Jun 2009
Our critique of Spore brought anti-Christians out of the woodwork. The author’s response covers Bible reliability, scientific problems with evolution, and Christian v atheistic atrocities.
by Lita Sanders
The History of Interpretation of Genesis 1–11
18 Jan 2022
Anti-creationists often claim that young-earth belief began with Seventh-Day Adventists. Refuting Compromise, Ch. 3, 8, showed that old-earth belief is the novelty, and the result of intimidation by uniformitarian geology.
by Jonathan Sarfati
God’s Not Dead 2—A movie review
23 Apr 2016
God’s Not Dead 2 offers Christians a minimal amount of basic, historical, scriptural apologetics regarding the historicity of Jesus Christ’s ministry and the validity of the Bible.
by Calvin Smith