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Vintage Journal: Literary theory and Genesis 1: Part 2
30 Sep 2011
Does the presence of the literary devices that Genesis 1 supposedly has rule out its being historical prose?
by Marc Kay
A Defense of Six-Day Creation
22 Oct 2013
A former compromising pastor explains why he now believes that a strong stance on Genesis is critical for the church.
by G I Williamson
Wings on the wind
17 Oct 2012
How do migrating birds know exactly when, and where, to go?
by David Catchpoole
Ötzi the Iceman
11 May 2012
Since his discovery in 1991, Ötzi the Iceman has been an enigma for evolutionary ideas but no problem for the creationist perspective.
by Greg Beasley
Three Sisters: evidence for Noah’ Flood
Three Sisters: evidence for Noah's Flood. Getting to know the three sisters reveals more than just natural beauty.
by Tas Walker
The BBC TV series Darwin’s Dangerous Idea
04 May 2021
Leading presenter Andrew Marr’s 3-part TV series adulates Darwin and his ideas, but makes some important admissions about their tragic consequences.
by Philip Bell
Politicizing Jesus
31 Oct 2013
A new novel about the death of Jesus.
by Lita Sanders
Weasel, a flexible program for investigating deterministic computer ‘demonstrations’ of evolution
by Les Ey and Don Batten
Noah’s Ark—water and impact resistant?
31 Aug 2015
Two reality television shows testing the effects of explosives on walls coated with a protective polyurethane product give a clue to how pitch would have protected Noah’s Ark.
by Warren Nunn
Not by chance!
13 Jul 2022
Devastating assault, by a highly qualified author, on the very core of evolutionary theory.
by Carl Wieland
The bamboozling panda
05 Dec 2012
China’s peaceful and solitary mountain dwellers—a puzzlement to evolution; a friendly reminder of Creation.
by David Catchpoole
Peacock ‘eyes’ that hypnotize
24 Jun 2019
When the peacock vibrates its colourful fan of tail feathers, the ‘eyespots’ behave differently from the rest of the feathery background, leaving the peahen mesmerized.
by David Catchpoole