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Created to spread the Gospel
29 Dec 2010
Missionary radio depends on God’s provision of the ionosphere
by Russell Grigg
The skeletons in evolution’s closet
12 Aug 2019
The co-authors of Contested Bones talk with Creation magazine
by Joel Tay
Raising godly children
11 Jul 2011
Gary Bates talks to The Old Schoolhouse’s Paul and Gena Suarez about how and why they are at the forefront of the US’s homeschooling revolution.
by Gary Bates
The pre-Flood world resembled Pangaea
03 Sep 2021
What was the pre-Flood continental configuration?
by Timothy L. Clarey and Davis J. Werner
Skeptic Shermer resorts to ridicule because the science is weak
26 Sep 2008
One of CMI-Australia’s prominent speakers is also a professor at a major secular university. This is his assessment of a lecture at the university given by one of America’s leading anticreationists.
by John Hartnett
The deficiency of ‘red letter’ Christianity
05 Dec 2020
A reader asks: Are only the ‘red letters’ inspired? We respond!
by Lita Sanders
Pigeon Revision: Brainy birds trump bookish baboons
23 Oct 2019
The ability to distinguish the style of a Picasso from a Monet puts a whole new perspective on ‘bird-brainy’
by David Catchpoole
The Bible: written by mere men?
05 Mar 2018
A widely misunderstood verse helps us to answer this question.
by Keaton Halley
The Genesis genealogies
26 Oct 2021
The Genesis genealogies are both a historical account, which can be used to calculate the age of world, and a key aspect of the fulfillment of the Messianic promise.
by James (Jim) R. Hughes
More meat-eating lorikeets (and other parrots, too)
14 Mar 2017
Scientists were surprised to find one instance of lorikeets eating meat. Then the public told them of hundreds.
by David Catchpoole
From faith to faith—the spiritual pilgrimage of George John Romanes
02 Mar 2016
How George John Romanes embraced friendship with Charles Darwin and struggled to reconcile evolution and Christianity.
by John Rendle-Short
Do claimed dates for Göbekli Tepe and the Lost City of Dwarka outdate the Bible’s timeline?
23 Dec 2021
Claimed dates for the Neolithic site Göbekli Tepe predate the Bible’s date of creation, and the Lost City of Dwarka supposedly predates the Flood—how should creationists respond?
by Gavin Cox