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Mutations: evolution’s engine becomes evolution’s end!
18 Sep 2009
Mutations do not provide the new information for novel organic designs but rather they are driving all life on earth relentlessly toward genome decay.
by Alex Williams
Man: The image of God
by Prof. John Rendle-Short
Romans 5:12–21: Paul’s view of literal Adam
17 Jul 2009
Many passages in Scripture require Adam to be historical. Among them is Romans 5:12–21, where a historical Adam is contrasted with the historical Jesus.
by Lita Sanders
Darwinism and World War One
25 Apr 2011
While the Second World War is more obviously connected to Darwinism, it also played an important role in the first.
by Lita Sanders
Dr Robert W. Carter
Biography of CMI scientist speaker Dr Robert Carter
by Robert Carter
Do mutations add information?
28 Mar 2020
Mutations can add information, so why is that not evolution?
by Joel Tay
‘Billions of years’ makes Christians dumb (and atheists loud)
09 Jun 2022
A brilliant way to muzzle Christians: Get them to believe in long ages.
by David Catchpoole
Darwin’s impact—the bloodstained legacy of evolution
08 Mar 2017
How Darwin’s ideas led Marx, Trotsky, Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot to become mass murderers.
by Raymond Hall
Refuting Evolution—Chapter 6
Humans: images of God or advanced apes?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Does the Bible really describe expansion of the universe?
21 Dec 2012
What does ‘stretching out the heavens like a tent’ mean?
by John Hartnett
The Pope on evolution
01 Nov 2014
While papal pronouncements have no authority over Protestants, the Pope’s statement about evolution and the big bang made headlines.
by Lita Sanders
Superbugs not super after all
10 Oct 2022
‘Superbugs’ are seen by some as evidence of evolution in action but the truth is rather different.
by Carl Wieland