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Sensational Australian tree ... like ‘finding a live dinosaur’
The hyena—a creature we love to hate
14 Jul 2014
Does the hyena deserve its ‘cowardly and villainous’ reputation?
by David Catchpoole
Vestigial organs
13 Dec 2014
Evolutionists are being forced to rethink so-called vestigial organs in the light of some embarrassing and harmful mistakes.
by Robert H Franks
Does God judge sinners?
13 Nov 2021
And how does Jesus’ death allow sinners to go free and be reconciled to God?
by Shaun Doyle
Swine flu—Is it evidence of evolution?
02 Jun 2009
Just as with AIDS and avian influenza, the latest virus scare is being hailed as proof that evolution is true.
by Carl Wieland and David Catchpoole
Gecko foot design—could it lead to a real ‘spiderman’?
01 Mar 2017
A tiny lizard can perform feats that superheroes can only dream about.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Does God cause Down syndrome?
11 May 2019
How can someone be “fearfully and wonderfully made” if they have disabilities like Down Syndrome?
by Shaun Doyle
Three-parent embryos: What should biblical creationists think?
07 Mar 2015
3-parent embryos to cure mitochondrial disease: what are the biblical, moral, scientific, and legal issues?
by CMI staff
Identification of species within the cattle monobaramin (kind)
13 Nov 2015
What species fall into the biblical kind for cattle?
by Jean K. Lightner
Extensive mixing among Israelites and non-Israelites in biblical history
08 Mar 2019
Does the Bible point to much genetic mixing in Israel?
by Robert Carter
Responding to atheistic opposition
04 Dec 2014
Responding to underhanded tactics to silence the creation message
by Don Batten
Calibrating carbon dating
02 Feb 2013
Why is calibration necessary for carbon dating?
by Robert Carter