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As silent as a flying owl
09 Sep 2019
How do you make the blades of a multi-rotor drone ‘chop’ the air more quietly? Look to the owl’s wings …
by David Catchpoole
The clash of science and the authority of the Bible
28 Oct 2015
The origin of science is firmly founded in the Christian doctrines of creation and revelation, especially the objective reality of creation and the order within it.
by Stephen Geard
Adam as the protoplast—
07 Oct 2016
The Church Fathers consistently understood and taught that Adam was the first-formed individual and ancestor of all humanity.
by Andrew Sibley
Swedish fossil fern preserves chromosome detail
14 Apr 2021
Catastrophically buried during Noah’s Flood.
by Tas Walker
Bible vs. science?
The Bible gives the foundation for the right approach in geology, astronomy, biology, anthropology—in fact, for all areas of reality.
by Ken Ham
Telling the Christmas story from Creation
18 Dec 2012
Why did Jesus come? At a ‘Christmas outreach’, one pastor focused on creation, sin, judgment, and salvation instead of angelic visitation, shepherds, and wise men.
by Karl and Sun Dahlfred
The Simpsons and Scopes
04 Oct 2006
When a popular satirical TV show gets into creation/evolution, at least you know that it is a ‘live’ issue in the culture
by Shaun Doyle
The ‘Great Unconformity’ and associated geochemical evidence for Noahic Flood erosion
13 Oct 2017
Only a catastrophic flood can account for the world’s largest and most intriguing geological feature.
by Harry Dickens
Did the Exodus lead to the Hyksos Invasion?
29 Oct 2020
Advocates of revisionist Immanuel Velikovsky and David Down believe that the Hebrew Exodus destroyed Egypt which led to the Hyksos invasion. We look at some flaws with this theory.
by Gary Bates
The remarkable ruffed grouse
26 Oct 2016
An extraordinary bird that feigns injury to distract predators so its young can escape, is an example of incredible design and not random chance.
by Tom Hennigan
William Jennings Bryan
12 Nov 2014
Hollywood’s and the media’s take on the Scopes Monkey Trial unfairly turned a man who faithfully served his country and fellow man into a hated figure in history.
by Effie Munday
Karl Kruszelnicki: still missing the missing links
05 Jul 2008
Australian science personality Dr Karl Kruszelnicki takes creationists to task over transitional forms. Are his criticisms valid?
by Andrew Lamb