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Many hands made the lights go on
14 Jun 2010
The fact that it took years of effort from brilliant people to produce a light bulb actually carries a deeper message with implications for everyone.
by Gordon Howard
Evolution on other worlds
10 Aug 2017
New Aliens documentary refuting alien life and explaining alien abduction claims.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Eggceptionally different
06 Sep 2007
More cracks for dino-to-bird belief. Electron microscopy shows dinosaur eggs are unique.
by Mark H. Armitage
Romance at the heart of the universe
11 Aug 2010
The New Testament shows us Jesus as Creator, Saviour, Lord of the Harvest, Judge and Heavenly Bridegroom
by Russell Grigg
Unearthing exciting evidence for creation
18 Mar 2020
Gary Bates interviews fossil researcher Vance Nelson
by Gary Bates
SETI@home project closing down
20 Jul 2020
The crowdsourced search for intelligent extraterrestrials known as SETI@home has shut down after two decades of failed searching.
by Paul Price, Gary Bates
The barrier has been breached!
09 Sep 2021
The body cells do not contribute DNA to the next generation. Only reproductive cells do. This is called the Weismann barrier, an important concept for the development of evolutionary thought. It is no longer true.
by Robert Carter
The history of flying machines
24 Nov 2021
What does it tell us about the evolution of flight?
by Stuart Burgess
The human nose knows better than we thought
21 Mar 2016
The human sense of smell is a lot more sensitive than was thought.
by David Catchpoole
Deadly plant’s flowers in amber deadly to evolution
26 Sep 2018
Many people know that Strychnos plants contain strychnine, a deadly poison. The discovery of its flowers in amber is ‘deadly’ to evolution.
by Philip Bell and David Catchpoole
‘Unique’ two-headed reptile fossil
03 May 2010
A two-headed reptile fossil in Cretaceous rock lived and died after Adam sinned, not before.
by David Catchpoole
Ants: the incredible heavy-lifting champions
18 Jul 2016
Amazing design allows a tiny, fragile creature to lift objects way beyond its size.
by Cody Guitard