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Shaking hands on a recent creation
Non-racemized amino acids in rocks belies millions of years.
by Carl Wieland
Serial cell differentiation: intricate system of design
22 Jan 2016
The process of cell division is so complicated and selective that evolutionists can’t adequately explain its origin.
by Shaun Doyle
Did Adam understand what death was?
14 Jan 2015
Is it possible that Adam could not have comprehended death if he had not seen death?
by Charles Taylor
‘Out of Africa’ on the ropes
16 Mar 2020
The favoured story of human evolution is now struggling
by Peter Line
Chauvet Cave controversy
21 Jun 2010
Controversy rages over whether the Chauvet drawings are simply too magnificent for their time.
by David Catchpoole
Pterosaurs flew like modern aeroplanes
26 Mar 2007
New discoveries about a tiny pterosaur bone show that they flew with ‘aerodynamic tricks like those found in modern aircraft’.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Dating of “oldest pottery” from China is based on assumptions
11 Jun 2009
The evidence is consistent with biblical history.
by Tas Walker
Parrot of the night—NZ’s kakapo
18 Jan 2010
The male kakapo’s amorous ‘booming’ can be heard kilometres away. But perhaps not for much longer, as the world’s heaviest parrot is an endangered species.
by Adrian Bates
Is there scientific proof of the existence of God?
14 Aug 2010
Can science even give such proof?
by Mark Harwood
How do miracles happen?
11 May 2017
Do we need to know how miracles happen to know if they happen?
by Shaun Doyle
Diamonds in days (actually, minutes!)
15 Apr 2008
Diamonds just don’t need millions of years to form, but only days, or hours, or even minutes!
by Richard Fangrad
Is the whole creation fallen?
08 Mar 2011
Did Adam’s sin really affect the whole universe?
by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner