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Big-eye brain-less Neandertal nonsense
23 May 2013
Bigger eyes in Neandertals didn’t mean they had less brain.
by David Catchpoole, Don Batten
The Framework hypothesis, missionary societies and the Gospel
02 Sep 2023
The framework hypothesis is a stratagem for harmonizing Genesis with the atheistic theory of evolution, so it should be shunned by all Christian organizations that depend on Bible-believers for support.
by Russell Grigg
Shrimpy superboxer
29 Mar 2023
Meet the tiny mantis shrimp that can punch holes in glass using an ingenious catapult mechanism. Its eyes, with 12 types of colour receptor, may help designers of cameras for satellites.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The origin of human consciousness
12 Jul 2018
We humans may think our self-awareness marks us out as special but atheists insist it’s merely an illusion brought about by our brain chemistry. Why, then, do cognitive scientists, psychologists and philosophers fail to explain consciousness?
by Dominic Statham
New radiohalo find challenges primordial granite claim
No substance to claims about ancient rocks.
by Tas Walker
Does music have evolutionary origins?
08 Apr 2011
Where did music come from? What is its purpose? Can such questions even be answered?
by Greg Demme
Faith not facts?
09 Dec 2013
A faith devoid of facts is dead.
by Tony Mator
Roman Catholicism, science, and evolution
16 Jan 2016
Does CMI purposefully ignore all Roman Catholic contributions to science?
by Shaun Doyle
Oceans of water
04 Oct 2014
Deep inside the earth, there’s a lot of water. Is there a connection with Noah’s Flood?
by Tas Walker
Discovering scientific evidence for creation
17 Feb 2014
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker
The mud is missing
17 Oct 2011
So the world is young
by Tas Walker
Where was Eden? part 2: geological considerations—examining pre-Flood geographical details in the biblical record
29 Jun 2018
Part 2: The geology and geography of Eden

by Robert Carter and Lita Cosner