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Did Darwin plagiarize his evolution theory?
24 Jan 2014
Some historians believe that all the major contributions Darwin is credited with in regard to evolution theory actually were plagiarized from other scientists.
by Jerry Bergman
Carbon dating into the future
14 Sep 2023
Carbon ‘dating’ sometimes produces negative ages, i.e. dates in the future. How can that be?
by Andrew Lamb
The Emergent Deception—the evolution factor
31 Mar 2011
What every pastor and every Christian needs to know about the Emergent Church movement
by Lita Sanders
Defining terms
21 Mar 2024
‘Natural selection’ and ‘evolution’ can mean different things to different people. A leading evolutionist who tried to fix the problem has been largely ignored—unfortunately.
by David Catchpoole
Human tails and fairy tales
01 Sep 2007
Have there really been people with functioning tails, and if so, are they vestigial?
‘Hanging Loose’: What should we defend?
23 Nov 2022
Be careful what you ‘die on a hill’ for.
by Carl Wieland
Gay ‘marriage’ and the consistent outcome of Genesis compromise
30 Jun 2012
A former lecturer at a compromising evangelical institution is at least consistent—his rejection of Noah’s flood is an excuse for rejecting biblical teachings on marriage as well.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Did dinosaurs evolve into birds?
16 Apr 2015
Birds are clearly distinct creatures from dinosaurs, with unique lung design, fully-formed feathers, and flying machinery. Even under evolutionary dating, undoubted birds are older than their alleged dinosaur ancestors.
by Jonathan Sarfati, Robert Carter
Geocentrism and Creation
by Danny Faulkner
Darwinism’s influence on modern racists and white supremacist groups: the case of David Duke
19 Aug 2009
The extensive writings of David Duke, head of the largest white supremacist organization in the world, show the strong influence of evolutionary notions in his racist views.
by Jerry Bergman
Pain in childbirth: result of the Fall or fear?
26 Apr 2008
A reader questions whether the curse on Eve was more about the anguish of raising children
by Jonathan Sarfati
How did we get so many people in such a short time?
02 Oct 2013
How could the human population grow to 7 billion from only eight people on the Ark in such a short time?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati