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Egyptian chronology confusion
08 Dec 2020
Christian researchers understand the need for a revision of the standard Egyptian chronology. If Christians are working from the same premise though, why are there such huge differences of opinion?
by Gary Bates
Free to believe
23 Jul 2015
‘All are equally free to believe, but some are more equal than others’ fairly describes the humanist agenda—theistic evolution and ID are no bastion against such secularism, only biblical creation.
by Philip Bell
Another non-creationist critique of scientific materialism
10 Jun 2016
Author dismisses creationist concepts but raises interesting questions about the inadequacies of materialistic evolutionary theory.
by John Woodmorappe
Watch out! ‘Bed bugs’ are fighting back … apparently!
25 Jul 2018
In the battle to control pests with pesticides, things can change.
by Gary Bates
Remembering Bill Cooper (1947–2021)
13 Apr 2021
Prolific author Bill Cooper has died (9 March 2021), author of numerous books, including After the Flood, and Authenticity of the Book of Genesis.
by Andrew Sibley
Cosmology’s fatal weakness—underdetermination
25 Oct 2019
Is the physical data enough to justify any cosmological theory?
by John Hartnett
How bees decide
Researchers describe a beehive’s group decision-making process as ‘complicated enough to rival the dealings of any department committee’. Could such complex ‘dealings’ have arisen by evolution?
by David Catchpoole
Praising the Creator in the Psalms
24 Mar 2016
The doctrine of creation moved the psalmists to praise God. Do we?
by Lita Sanders
Did Mark plagiarize Esther?
10 Jun 2017
Responding to a skeptical demand for wooden literalism.
by Lita Sanders
Soldiers and scoffers
21 Jun 2011
CMI helps believers in the war of ideas where they are and stands as a public challenge to scoffers at the Bible.
by Don Batten, Tas Walker
Is our ‘goodness’ good enough for God?
16 Aug 2011
Genesis is foundational to understanding why the answer is ‘No’.
by Ann Lamont
Distant starlight, and dino and human fossils
21 Mar 2009
The Horizon problem: the big banger’s own distant starlight problem, and more evidence against the big bang. Why are there no mass graveyards of human and dino fossils?
by Jonathan Sarfati and David Catchpoole