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‘Oldest’ biological colour discovered
02 Mar 2020
Can biological pigment molecules really survive over a billion years?
by Phil Robinson
‘Snowball Earth’ out with a bang?
10 Dec 2021
How could the earth get out of a global glaciation?
by Edward Isaacs
Carol Cleland’s case of historical science—part 2: apologetic for historical science
26 Jul 2019
How reliable are the conclusions of historical science compared to experimental science?
by John K. Reed and Peter Klevberg
Bottle stalagmite
Bottle stalagmite in Jenolan Caves
by anon
Fossil time ranges continue to expand up and down
18 Jan 2019
Many new fossil discoveries at ‘wrong’ evolutionary dates.
by Michael J. Oard
Cain: The ultimate cautionary tale
27 Jan 2021
What can we learn from this tragic account?
by Lita Sanders
New evidence for rapid Ice Age deposition on the Greenland Ice Sheet
25 Sep 2020
New evidence the sheet is younger than previously thought
by Michael Oard
Just what we need
12 Feb 2018
Creation magazine helps us to think biblically about science, geology, evolution, and origins. See this sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released issue.
by Tas Walker
Yedomas show one ice age
08 May 2020
Where are the yedomas from previous ice ages?
by Michael J. Oard
Planet found outside our galaxy?
28 Oct 2021
Has a planet really been discovered outside our galaxy? How could they find it? Could it support life?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Psychologist affirms creation
26 Feb 2020
How does biblical creation inform this psychologist’s practice?
by Lita Sanders
A personal cause for the universe?
14 Jul 2018
Is a non-sentient entity a viable cause for the beginning of the universe?
by Shaun Doyle