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The hardest ones to reach …
03 Nov 2015
Many Christians are finding it harder than ever to share the Gospel. Why is it that some seem immune to it? And how can we share more effectively?
by Calvin Smith
Big Bang blunder bursts the multiverse bubble
12 Jun 2014
Hugh Ross praised latest Big Bang inflationary theory claims but—weeks later—evolutionists admitted they got it wrong.
by Alex Williams
Will there be another Ice Age
15 Oct 2018
Despite dire warnings that humanity has so impacted the world that there is a possibility of a global weather catastrophe, what can the Bible teach us about such claims?
by Cody Guitard
The importance of the Old Testament
18 Oct 2016
Without Jewish writings, there is no basis for explaining events recorded in the New Testament.
by Ron Neller
Oh! My aching wisdom teeth!
28 Jun 2017
Shrinking jaws are to blame for some of our dental problems.
by Robert Doolan
Whence the craziness enveloping the once-Christian ‘West’?
05 Mar 2019
Radical change in attitudes and laws has followed the West’s rejection of its Christian heritage.
by Don Batten
When birds of a feather don’t breed together …
20 Aug 2014
What are ‘ring species’, and are they a legitimate argument for ‘proof of change of kinds’, as some evolutionists claim?
by Carl Wieland
Martin Luther: the monk who shook the world
03 Oct 2017
Martin Luther’s conflict with the sale of indulgences gave rise to the three great principles of Protestantism: Faith alone, Scripture alone, and the priesthood of all believers.
by Russell Grigg
Galápagos with David Attenborough: Adaptation
10 Aug 2022
Attenborough presents the Galápagos islands and their animals as evidence for millions of years, but it is all much better understood as evidence for the biblical account of history.
by Russell Grigg
Is plate tectonics occurring today?
30 Aug 2013
What do GPS measurements and the geophysics of rock motion suggest?
by John Baumgardner
Genetic engineers unwind species barrier
25 Nov 2015
Evolutionary claims of a new species of yeast simply fall flat.
by Philip Bell
Animal cruelty and vegetarianism
25 Sep 2010
The Bible calls people to treat animals humanely, but does that mean we should be vegetarians?
by Lita Sanders