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Refuting evolutionary agitprop
29 Jul 2019
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Deep time in 18th-century France—part 1: a developing belief
24 Apr 2020
How did deep belief in long ages of ‘geological time’ develop in 18th century France?
by Andrew Sibley
Why did God make such a big universe?
19 Jul 2022
Does our size relative to the cosmos mean we’re insignificant in God’s eyes?
by Shaun Doyle
Towards a creationary view of why speciation occurs
28 Jul 2017
God blessed his creatures to reproduce and fill the earth, and so they have.
by Jean K. Lightner
Rejecting Creation the movie: A business decision
10 Dec 2009
Was the BBC Darwin movie too evolved for U.S. audiences or too boring for investors to risk?
by Emil Silvestru
Objections to the logic of design
13 Jun 2015
Answering multiple challenges to the idea that design implies a Designer.
by Keaton Halley
The origin of the Carboniferous coal measures—part 2: The logic of lycopod root structure
31 Aug 2012
Part 2: The logic of lycopod root structure
by Joanna F. Woolley
Defying deep-time dogma
25 Oct 2021
Showing how cave structures don’t always form by ‘slow and gradual’ processes.
by Gavin Cox
Effective population sizes and loss of diversity during the Flood bottleneck
06 Dec 2019
How much genetic diversity did humanity lose because of Noah’s Flood?
by Robert W. Carter
What is Homo luzonensis?
07 Nov 2019
Scant bone fragments from a cave on Luzon island suggest yet another fossil human, not an evolutionary intermediate.
by Matthew Cserhati, Peter Line, Joel Tay
The remarkable landscape around Provadia, Bulgaria
12 Jan 2019
Formed by Noah’s Flood
by Tas Walker
Can biologically active sequences come from random DNA?
15 Mar 2019
Can random DNA sequences be a source of evolutionary novelty?
by Robert Carter