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One man and a vision
02 Mar 2009
The sight of a stately ‘Ark’ cruising Holland’s waterways turns heads—and hearts.
by Frans Gunnink
Does the Bible condone polygamy?
22 Jul 2017
Does the Bible condone polygamy?
by Keaton Halley
The Times of Abraham
The Times of Abraham - Journal of Creation (TJ) 2(1)
by By Dr A.J.M. Osgood
The necessity for believing in six literal days
The necessity for believing in six literal days
by Ken Ham
Herero genocide
14 Sep 2016
German settlers, feeding on ideas of evolutionary superiority, perpetrated genocide on the noble Herero people of Namibia.
by Marc Ambler
Coronaviruses in creation
06 Feb 2020
Most viruses are beneficial to living things, but occasionally one of them escapes whatever is controlling it and it run amok, burning hot but often quickly burning out.
by Robert Carter
Evolution of multicellularity: what is required?
07 May 2010
Another insurmountable hurdle for evolution.
by Shaun Doyle
The mutant ‘feather-duster’ budgie
28 Sep 2022
A genetic copying mistake hampered this bird’s development and limited its lifespan.
by Andrew Lamb
Creation, preservation and dominion: God, humanity and the created order (Part 1)
06 Aug 2010
What is the biblical view of man’s place in creation and our responsibility to it?
by Andrew S. Kulikovsky
Yahweh the Creator God of Israel
27 Aug 2013
How do the Old Testament’s statements about the Creator God relate to our thinking about Jesus?
by Lita Sanders
Why so many planets?
18 Jan 2014
Can populated planets arise by chance, and are empty planets a waste of space?
by Keaton Halley
Science: The rules of the game
30 Nov 2023
How science’s rules have changed to artificially exclude creation—regardless of the evidence.
by Carl Wieland