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The meaning of unconformities
12 Jul 2019
How does Noah’s Flood provide a better framework for understanding unconformities?
by John K. Reed and Michael J. Oard
Did Eve have a “Moral compass”?; and the “120 years” of Genesis 6:3
22 May 2010
The skeptic’s objection that Eve should not have been punished—as she could not have known right from wrong—is easily answered.
by Lita Sanders
A sloppy kind of Christianity
03 Feb 2012
A review of A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions That Are Transforming the Faith by ‘emergent church’ leader Brian McLaren
by James Patrick Holding
A new weed species—does it prove Creation wrong?
23 Dec 2015
Rather than ‘evolution in action’, claims of a new weed species show that the Designer created complexity that allows for speciation.
by Philip Bell
A controversy in a nutshell
26 Jun 2009
A leading Intelligent Design theorist provides a lucid summary of up-to-date arguments for ID and against materialistic evolution.
by Lael Weinberger
Vintage Journal: Inheritance of biological information: part 3
29 Jul 2011
How is the information in cells controlled and transferred?
by Alex Williams
The truth … and nothing but the truth
11 Jun 2015
When one looks at all the facts, the case for evolution and millions of years crumbles.
by Dominic Statham
I seem to know more than my teachers
28 Jan 2013
Creation magazine educates young readers. A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Tas Walker
Creation and occultism
29 Oct 2014
The occult needs to be opposed because it is based on the denial that there is a Creator and we are His creatures.
by Gary North
Why doesn’t God answer all our questions?
04 Mar 2017
Scripture answers many of our questions, if we know how to think about Scripture’s teaching and how to apply it.
by Lita Sanders
Mercator’s Projections
09 Oct 2017
Mercator’s rectangular map of the word has revolutionized navigation ever since he published it in 1569.
by Russell Grigg
Earth age, big bang, nature of science
01 Jun 2019
Is there such a thing as “the best scientific evidence for creation or a young earth”? Soft tissue in dino bones, carbon-14 in diamonds, big bang problems.
by Jonathan Sarfati