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Earth Day: Is Christianity to blame for environment problems?
Earth Day: Is Christianity to blame for environment problems?
by Carl Wieland and Jonathan Sarfati
Rape and evolution
‘Hooray for eugenics!’
16 May 2012
Last century many religious leaders embraced eugenics, the elimination of the ‘unfit’ from mankind’s breeding pool. Invented by Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton, it reached its apex in Nazi Germany.
by Russell Grigg
What to make of Homo naledi?
22 Sep 2015
Homo naledi is another case of selective interpretation of the evidence to ‘prove’ evolution of man from apelike ancestors.
by Marc Ambler
The horse and the tractor
09 Dec 2015
If naturalistic evolution is true, then a Creator God is redundant, as the horse and tractor analogy shows.
by John Woodmorappe
The Darwinian roots of the Nazi legal system
22 Jan 2010
Nazis were Darwinists so they did not accept the idea of God-ordained human rights. Instead, they believed that the ‘stronger’ would have the ‘right’ to dispossess and destroy the ‘weaker’.
by Augusto Zimmermann
Granite formation: catastrophic in its suddenness
16 Jan 2009
Catastrophic in its suddenness.
by Tas Walker
Noah’s Ark on a Roman coin!
21 May 2018
The oldest coin to depict a biblical scene. What shape Ark does it depict?
by Phil Robinson
Human genome decay and the origin of life
28 Aug 2015
Observed mutational decay in the human genome provides clues to the origin of life.
by Alex Williams
Celebrating Christmas?
25 Dec 2016
Are Christian celebrations pagan, and does it matter? Where does the 25 December date come from, and who celebrated it first?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Why Bible history matters
12 Oct 2022
Much biblical doctrine and morality is based on its historical sequence.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Mercury’s magnetic field is young!
26 Aug 2008
Messenger space probe reports from Mercury confirm biblical models of formation of planetary magnetic fields.
by D. Russell Humphreys