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Where have all the people gone?
24 May 2010
There are nowhere near enough people if we have been here for a long time.
by Silvio Famularo
Atoms and God’s order in the fundamental building blocks of all substance
09 Nov 2014
Did Dmitri Mendeleev really get the idea for the Periodic Table in a dream?
by Craig A Perman
Biblical worldview project for parents and grandparents
03 Sep 2009
A meaningful way to pass on the biblical worldview.
by Winston Broad
The ‘waters above’
10 Jan 2008
A ‘halo of dust and debris, largely made up of water-ice, surrounds the solar system. Could this be the ‘waters above’ of Genesis 1:7?
by John Hartnett
The four dimensional human genome defies naturalistic explanations
06 Oct 2016
The human genome is the most complex computer operating system in the known universe and defies naturalistic explanations.
by Robert Carter
Did Adam sin out of love for Eve?
26 Jan 2014
Correspondents take CMI to task over our ‘attitude’ to Adam.
by Russell Grigg
Misotheist’s misology: Richard Dawkins attacks Michael Behe
14 Jul 2007
Antitheists argue against any challenge to their materialism, but use many fallacies to do so. Richard Dawkins is a prime example in his recent tirade against Michael Behe.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Impacts and Noah’s Flood—how many and other issues
12 Jan 2018
A model of the catastrophic events at the time of Noah’s Flood includes multiple asteroid impacts.
by Wayne Spencer
Was Leviathan a Parasaurolophus?
30 Jun 2007
Leviathan has long been a puzzle, but a likely solution is in sight. A major problem was the limits on the information that fossils can provide.
by Andrew Lamb
Who wrote Isaiah?
08 Nov 2011
Isaiah contains accurate predictions about the future, including the coming Messiah. So liberals have desperately attacked its authenticity.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati, Lita Cosner
Curiosity: Did God create the universe?
12 Nov 2011
Is Stephen Hawking right in claiming a universe could create itself?
by Russell Grigg
Did immune system antibody diversity evolve?
06 Nov 2009
The various adaptive immune systems in the animal kingdom are all equally complex, yet with major discontinuities between them.
by Jerry Bergman and Nancy O