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The human umbilical vesicle (‘yolk sac’) and pronephros—Are they vestigial?
02 May 2009
A university lecturer teaches that the human umbilical vesicle (‘yolk sac’) and other temporary embryonic structures are vestigial—evidence that we evolved. Is this so?
by Andrew Lamb and Jonathan Sarfati
The majestic elephant
02 Apr 2014
A fascinating look at the world’s largest living land animal …
by Paula Weston
Creation in-depth: The Evangelical church
03 Oct 2014
Has the evangelical church lost its ‘saltiness’ in the world by abandoning the authority of Scripture?
by Andrew S Kulikovsky
An ‘old-earth’ answer provides only problems
04 Jan 2014
An old-earth fails to deal with the major point raised in a CMI article. In fact, he actually makes the point and ignores four fundamental problems.
by Gary bates
How old? When archaeology conflicts with the Bible.
01 Nov 2018
Archaeologists discover a spear point “9000 years old”? But it’s far older than either the biblical date for the Flood or Creation. What is the answer to this?
by Gavin Cox
Muscle and blood found in an “18-million-year-old” fossil!
11 Nov 2009
The best ever find of preserved soft tissue yet documented in the fossil record gives powerful evidence for the Bible.
by Carl Wieland
Eat your Brussels sprouts!
12 Dec 2012
The variety in the cabbage family speaks of how God created plants with a built-in capacity to diversify—within limits.
by Don Batten
Inexplicable insect metamorphosis
07 Jul 2008
The change of caterpillar to butterfly requires exquisite programming. But the origin of this programming baffles evolutionists.
by Daniel Devine
To catch a kinkajou …
07 May 2014
This south American carnivore ignores meat-baited traps, but goes bananas over bananas!
by David Catchpoole
BioLogos and the age of the earth: Pushing an anti-biblical doctrine
04 Oct 2012
Pushing an anti-biblical doctrine.
by Shaun Doyle, Tas Walker
Camels—the ‘ships of the desert’
08 Jan 2014
Renowned for their ability to carry goods across arid wastelands, camels use three main mechanisms to survive when forced to go without water.
by Paula Weston
How did fish and plants survive the Genesis Flood?
24 Feb 2006
How did fish and plants survive the Genesis Flood?
by Don Batten and Jonathan Sarfati