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The planets are young: 1. Mercury and Venus
14 Aug 2019
We present reasons why Mercury and Venus are young, not billions of years old, as per the BBC-TV program The Planets.
by Russell Grigg
Norway terrorist: more media mendacity
11 Aug 2011
Terrorist Breivik killed dozens of people in Norway. The media quickly and wrongly labelled this Darwinist a ‘Christian fundamentalist’, in contrast with ‘don’t jump to conclusions’ about Islamic terrorists.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
The hummingbird: creation’s superhero
08 Oct 2018
Evolution cannot explain the appearance of the first bird, but the awe-inspiring hummingbird baffles that idea beyond all reason.
by Scott Gillis
Jason Lisle vs. Eugenie Scott on CNN!
Jason Lisle vs. Eugenie Scott on CNN!
by anon
Does God’s foreknowledge entail fatalism?
17 Aug 2010
Does God’s foreknowledge impair free will? See the fallacy in modal logic that critics fall for.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Evolutionary Christianity?
21 Dec 2010
An all-star lineup of theistic evolutionists has one message: you can believe in God and evolution. But we ask ‘At what cost?’
by Lita Sanders
Tale behind the Tasmanian tiger
15 Jun 2016
Australia’s Tasmanian ‘tiger’ is a puzzle for evolutionists so they usually classify it as a separate biological family.
by Robert Doolan
Carbon dating—who is fooling whom?
08 Dec 2018
Response to a correspondent who had taken a CMI writer to task, claiming that 14C, dendrochronology, and uranium-thorium (U-Th) dating techniques are trustworthy.
by Gavin Cox
Life imprisonment for ‘feeble-mindedness’?
19 Jun 2019
How evolutionary philosophy and bad science led to imprisoning people deemed inferior.
by Lita Sanders
Can we know God?
18 Apr 2017
Paul Young’s latest book is full of heretical teachings that should surprise no one familiar with his previous work.
by Lita Sanders
Kangaroo rats
25 Jun 2014
by Paula Weston
The Bible is the bedrock of civilized society
03 Nov 2016
History’s most influential book has been widely abandoned as the world rejects its transformative power and embraces evolution.
by Warren Nunn