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Please do something about Mammoth Cave, Kentucky
21 Jul 2018
It turns people away from trusting the Bible.
by Tas Walker
A history of the United Methodist Church’s opposition to creationism and intelligent design
23 Oct 2020
A history of opposition to a literal understanding of Genesis
by Jerry Bergman
Shrimp eye design
10 Jan 2022
The shrimp eye has an intricately structured reflective layer to focus light. Engineers would like to be able to copy the structure.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Baby fossil snake further frustrates evolution
06 May 2020
A tiny snake “frozen in time” in amber belies its claimed 99 million year age
by Philip Bell
Journal of Creation
Journal of Creation Volume 4 Issue 1
Croc-nosed dinosaur bone surprises researchers
19 Jan 2012
Does the find of a croc-nosed dinosaur better fit the evolutionary story of millions of years or the biblical history of Noah’s Flood?
by Shane Cessna
Picture Gorge shouts sudden cataclysm
10 Nov 2009
But most geologists don’t see it because they’re not looking for it.
by Steve Wolfe
The Creation Survival Guide
12 Nov 2019
Students: are you ready?
by Paul Price
Was Adam a UFO (unidentified figurative object)?
by David Shackelford
Overturnin’ the learnin’ about lignin
04 Sep 2017
The discovery in a seaweed of a complex molecule thought (and taught!) to be only in land plants astonishes evolutionists, forcing a billion-year rewrite of textbooks.
by David Catchpoole
The curse and the cure
18 Nov 2015
In the search to rid Australia of cactus plant infestations, the answer was found in a tiny insect.
by John Mann
Super-successful self-cloning crayfish highlights evolutionary problem of sex
01 Jan 2020
A crayfish that reproduces asexually raises some important questions regarding the origins of sex.
by David Catchpoole