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‘Dark photons’: another cosmic fudge factor
18 Aug 2015
A darkness clouds the thinking of physicists, from dark matter to dark energy, dark fluid, dark flow, dark radiation and—now—dark photons.
by John G. Hartnett
Is Jesus ‘just a product of His time and place?’
24 Oct 2009
A correspondent asks whether Jesus’ claims to deity might simply be made up ‘to separate the faithful from their money.’ Lita Sanders responds.
by Lita Sanders
Answering moral nihilism
26 Apr 2014
Is God’s definition of ‘good’ arbitrary?
by Lita Sanders
Lessons from the fall of Singapore, 1942
04 Mar 2010
The stunning 1942 Japanese victory caught the British Army by surprise. There are powerful lessons for the spiritual battles facing the church today.
by Andy McIntosh
When God rescued King Hezekiah, part 2
09 Jan 2020
Archaeology confirms the biblical account—Hezekiah’s preparations in Jerusalem.
by Keaton Halley
The Genesis Enigma : more drivel
04 Aug 2009
Yet another reinvention of Genesis 1 rolls off the printing presses.
by Phil Robinson
God-centred or man-centred?
23 Jul 2010
A review of Redeeming Science: A God-Centered Approach by William Vern Poythress
by Mark Murata
Winning against suppression
13 May 2013
There are powerful forces at work in the world to ‘suppress the truth’ about our origins—especially in schools. But the Christian message is not easily suppressed.
by David Catchpoole
Climbing Mt Improbable “evo devo” style
19 Apr 2010
Can changes in ‘master genes’ explain evolution?
by David White
Taking a crack at the Neandertal mitochondrial genome
16 Sep 2008
A full-length stretch of DNA from a Neandertal mitochondrion has been sequenced. Some are using it to allege that it came from a different species to modern humans. But is that deduction justified?
by Robert Carter
How many impact craters should there be on the earth?
23 Mar 2018
Does the moon give us enough clues to estimate how many asteroids impacted the earth.
by Michael J. Oard
Journal of Creation
Journal of Creation Volume 1 Issue 1