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Geological excursion at Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland
14 Dec 2014
Interprets World Heritage Site using biblical history.
by Tas Walker
Censorship of happy Down syndrome children
24 Jan 2017
The French state tries to hide the guilt of aborting Down syndrome babies by banning a pro-life television advert.
by Phil Robinson
Geneticist praises the Creator
23 Jul 2018
Raised in a secular household, a budding scientist was confronted with a challenge that changed his life.
by Robert Carter
Hands up for creation!
05 Aug 2015
They’ll help you climb mountains and thread a needle, but do they give evidence of ‘survival of the fittest’.
by Jonathan W. Jones
More than a billion years missing from the Great Unconformity at Grand Canyon?
14 Sep 2021
How Noah’s Flood solves long standing geological puzzles
by Michael J. Oard
Lesson 2: Marco Polo’s Big Adventure
Lesson 2: Marco Polo’s Big Adventure
by anon
Evolution: a message of hope?
07 Feb 2019
You think it’s no big deal how humans originated? Where, according to atheists, do meaning, value and significance come from? Is theistic evolution the answer?
by Philip Bell
Mutation accumulation rates are consistent with biblical creation
03 Dec 2016
Appealing to natural selection is no rescue device for evolutionists. Mutations simply accumulate too fast.
by Robert Carter
Journal of Creation
Journal of Creation volume 12 issue 2 contents index
Redating Leakey’s Ethiopian human finds: more problems for compromise
Redating Leakey’s Ethiopian human finds: more problems for compromise
by Carl Wieland
Icing the ALS ‘ice bucket’ challenge
06 Sep 2014
Problems with the ALS bucket challenge, including use of stems cells from embryos and aborted fetuses, although ALS association admits that adult stem cell research is most promising.
by Jonathan Sarfati
The age of arches
30 Oct 2019
The rate of collapse affirms a biblical time frame!
by Don Batten