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The Galileo affair: history or heroic hagiography?
by Thomas Schirrmacher
When does the unborn baby feel pain?
22 Jul 2010
Pro-aborts are crowing about studies alleging that the unborn baby feels no pain. But not only are these claims highly debatable, they ignore the real issue.
by Lita Sanders
The lies of Lynchburg
01 Mar 2023
Enthusiastic disciples of Darwin formulated eugenics laws in America to prevent ‘undesirables’ from breeding—well before the Nazi ‘racial hygiene’ policies.
by Carl Wieland
Walking trees …
18 May 2011
Modern science helps us understand a puzzling miracle.
by Russell Grigg
Fossil evidence for alleged apemen—Part 2: non-Homo hominids
14 Sep 2006
Peter Line reviews the status of the varied fossils not labelled as ‘Homo’ that evolutionists interpret as our ancestors. He shows that their story does not stack up.
by Peter Line
Yom is not an Eon
06 Jun 2024
Some argue the Hebrew word yôm in Genesis 1 means a long time period because they try to fit billions of years into the Bible. Have they got a point?
by Lucien Tuinstra
How to talk creation with a Jehovah’s witness
by Robert Doolan
Did Noah need oxygen above the mountains?
24 Aug 2016
Air pressure is the clue to answering this question.
by Don Batten
Why no mention of the Ice Age in the Bible?
16 Jun 2018
Why is it not mentioned in the Bible?
by Ron Neller
The stingray of death
06 Sep 2006
In the aftermath of Steve Irwin’s death, many question the brevity of his life.
by David Catchpoole
Darwin’s illegitimate brainchild
25 Mar 2009
If you thought Darwin’s Origin was original, think again!
by Russell Grigg
Are we allowed to eat all animals today?
01 Sep 2012
Are Christians bound by Mosaic (or Edenic) food laws today?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati