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Have Population III stars finally been discovered?
03 Mar 2016
The big bang hypothesis demands that there should be stars with zero metal content.
by John G Hartnett
'Ape-woman' statue misleads public: anatomy professor
Den of ape-men or chambers of the sickly?
25 May 2017
How do we interpret the latest Homo naledi findings with their associated ‘ape-man’ connotations and claims?
by Peter Line
Kata Tjuta: an astonishing story
09 Jul 2007
Kata Tjuta, a famous Australian tourist attraction amazes visitors. Visit the Olgas in Central Australia and discover what is so astonishing.
by Tas Walker
Wood petrified in spring
23 Jul 2007
Japanese researchers report that, in real life, wood can turn into stone much faster than geologists previously thought.
by Tas Walker
The movie “2012”: A modern take on Noah’s Flood!
07 Jan 2010
‘2012’, the latest blockbuster global disaster/action movie—a useful tool for discussions on ‘flood geology’ and the gospel!
by Gavin Cox
The problem with most Christian movies
02 Nov 2017
Why Let There Be Light fails, and a better option.
by Lita Sanders
Is big bang theory scientific?
13 Nov 2019
Big bang theory only appears to be scientific because people are exposed only to the evidence that appears to support it.
by Dominic Statham
Intelligent debate
06 Mar 2009
Evolutionists fiercely attacked the Intelligent Design movement, but it still succeeds in showing intractable problems for materialism, especially in the origin of first life. A biblical perspective is more effective still.
by Lael Weinberger
Haleakala volcano on the Island of Maui, Hawaii
11 Jan 2015
How can I understand the general evolutionary explanation for the shape and structure of the volcano?
by Tas Walker
Anisotropy Synchrony Convention
02 Mar 2024
What does CMI think about an alternative solution to the distant starlight problem?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Roots are important!
13 Dec 2012
What we believe about our origins can (and should) make a real difference to our lives here and now—and after death too!
by Phil Robinson