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Isn’t it obvious? Natural selection can eliminate, but never create!
09 Sep 2020
Candid evolutionists have publicly recognized the obvious: natural selection is a process of elimination, not creation.
by David Catchpoole
Pig tales
03 Aug 2013
Is the pig’s love of wallowing in mud a legacy of having evolved in some muddy pond, billions of years ago?
by David Catchpoole
Are there contradictions in the Bible’s accounts of Judas’ death?
17 Sep 2022
Do Matthew and Luke contradict each other when recounting how Judas died?
by Lita Sanders
R.C. Sproul Jr. blunders on plant death
11 Feb 2015
R.C. Sproul Jr. misrepresents creationist argument about no death before the fall by raising the canard about plant ‘death’, but plants are not nephesh chayyāh.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Discussing the Trinity
30 Jun 2018
Explaining why we believe the Scriptures teach the Trinity, the Deity of Jesus, and the Personhood of the Holy Spirit.
by Lita Sanders
Pascal’s wager
09 Mar 2009
Simple logic shows that it is foolish to ignore the claims of Christ.
by Russell Steyne
Can we choose our end?
08 Nov 2014
An earlier exit is not the answer to terminal illness.
by Lita Sanders
How could unfallen Adam have sinned?
08 Mar 2014
A correspondent asks: If the relationship between Adam and God was ‘very good’, why did Adam go against Him?
by Russell Grigg
Top 10 Consequences of evolution?
05 May 2011
An evolutionary institution comes up short when it tries to give the top 10 examples of evolutionary consequences.
by Lita Cosner, Jonathan Sarfati
A fresh look at Nebraska man
25 Sep 2009
An honest mistake by an honest scientist or a deceptive stunt, during the famous Scopes Trial, to secularize education policy in America?
by Andrew Sibley
James Hutton: the man who warped time
21 Sep 2015
How James Hutton introduced deep time, and created the greatest error in geology today.
by Russell Grigg
Feathery flight of fancy
25 May 2007
Microscopy of the famed Sinosauropteryx ‘dino-bird’ fossil shows the idea of ‘protofeathers’ fails under close scrutiny
by Shaun Doyle