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04 Jul 2017
Why it is necessary to defend the Gospel from a creation foundation.
by Gary Bates
Bunchberry bang!
16 May 2007
High-speed video cameras have catapulted the bunchberry dogwood plant into the spotlight—and the record books.
by David Catchpoole
Information Theory—part 4: fundamental theorems of Coded Information Systems Theory
23 May 2014
Part 4 of this series outlines the fundamental shape, scope, and value of Coded Information Systems theory for understanding biology.
by Royal Truman
Dr Charles Bree, the scientist who challenged Charles Darwin’s science
03 Aug 2017
A long forgotten English zoologist and surgeon wrote the first book that set out to disprove evolution.
by Warren Nunn
Sitting on the fence
16 Dec 2012
Either Jesus is Lord, or he was wrong.
by Don Batten
Martian Fossils? Dissecting the media hype
25 Nov 2010
Yet another attempt to find evidence for life on Mars turns out to be little more than media hype.
by Lita Cosner and Gary Bates
Myriad mechanisms of Gene regulation
11 Dec 2009
Information is stored on the DNA molecule in cells astonishing ways, but equally astonishing is the way information is copied and used.
by Alex Williams
Towards a Creationist explanation of regional metamorphism
Towards a Creationist explanation of regional metamorphism
by Dr Andrew Snelling
Noah the movie–opportunities and issues from one pastor’s perspective.
Noah the movie–opportunities and issues from one pastor’s perspective.
by na
Fishy Dawkinsia tales, tragic Dawkinsian philosophy
28 Aug 2012
In the wake of having a new fish genus named after him, Richard Dawkins defends his philosophy of life.
by David Catchpoole
Razor clam
16 Apr 2018
The razor clam gives digging lessons to surprised and envious engineers.
by David Catchpoole
Big birdosaur blues
11 Jul 2007
New fossil find creates problems for dino-to-bird evolution.
by Shaun Doyle