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Brontosaurus is back!
05 May 2015
Brontosaurus, arguably the most famous long-necked long-tailed dinosaur, has long been considered a mistake—but some scientists want to resurrect it!
by Phil Robinson
Rooted in God’s truth
10 May 2010
Dr Gina Mohammad’s first biology teacher ruled out her ever becoming a biologist. The teacher was wrong.
by David Catchpoole and Don Batten
Immense impacts or big belches?
12 Mar 2007
Long-age evolutionary interpretations of the 'fossil record' result in evolutionists having to explain various 'mass extinctions' (including the demise of the dinosaurs) in the distant past, e.g. via asteroid impacts, or explosive vulcanism. But there's a much more straightforward answer.
by Carl Wieland
Spider silk: both strong and smart
02 Nov 2013
Why are spider webs so strong? Because silk can respond differently to different stresses, and sacrifice a few threads to preserve the whole web.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Creationists are slightly bonkers, says award-winning BBC broadcaster
15 Feb 2011
When a respected BBC radio journalist (John Humphrys) denigrates people who disbelieve ‘evolution is a fact’, there’s more at stake than simply a case of biased broadcasting.
by Dominic Statham
Missing cosmic sources elude astrophysicists
04 Sep 2014
Astrophysicists have found there is too much light in the space between galaxies and propose it is caused by decaying Dark Matter.
by John Hartnett
Conversion, apostasy, and CMI’s approach
20 Aug 2022
Why words mean the same to man and God.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Going batty over evolution
16 Jun 2021
Bats’ wings in flight are not simply skin-covered paddles flapping up and down—this thwarts evolutionary explanation.
by David Catchpoole
Plants and Darwinism
07 Nov 2014
The design in the complex movements of plants is obvious.
by Charles K Pallaghy
Pattern of programmed cell death in bat wing membrane—support for evolution?
02 Oct 2008
Testimony to an intricately designed system.
by Philip B. Bell
Clever crustaceans
26 Feb 2008
According to the standard evolutionary ‘progression’, crabs and lobsters are way down in the intelligence stakes. But fishermen can recognize when they’ve been ‘outsmarted’ by these creatures with ‘no brain’.
by David Catchpoole
Of missing gaps and magic bullets
28 Apr 2012
Does the Bible teach any sort of a ‘gap’ theory? Is there such a thing as a universal ‘knock down’ argument against evolution?
by Carl Wieland