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Is the K/T the post-Flood boundary?—part 3: volcanism and plate tectonics
10 Aug 2012
Do volcanism and plate tectonics in the Tertiary provide strong evidence for identifying the post-Flood boundary with the K/T boundary?
by Michael J. Oard
Why is Adam under pressure?
09 Dec 2014
The growing antagonism towards God in Western culture requires materialists to insist on a godless, naturalistic explanation for origins—hence they cling to evolution as the only alternative.
by Andrew Rowell
Doubt and the Cambrian explosion
27 Apr 2019
Does lengthening the ‘timeframe’ of the Cambrian explosion make it easier for evolutionists to explain?
by Shaun Doyle
26 Jul 2021
Owls are God’s masterpieces of design, with their acute vision, fine hearing, and soundless flight. Owls have always looked the same since their creation on day five of creation week.
by Matthew Cserhati
Amazing argonauts
11 Sep 2017
Scientists finally discover how the female argonaut really uses its shell
by David Catchpoole
Creation astronomy from a rocket scientist
18 Jan 2023
Space scientist Dr Henry Richter’s book Spacecraft Earth explores how Earth is designed for life.
by David Coppedge
Wasps: Natures pest control
18 Jul 2018
Do these pests have a place in God’s ‘very good’ creation?
by Lita Sanders
Liaoceratops: a ‘missing link’ of the horned dinos?
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Drops explode off gecko skin
28 Dec 2022
Drops explode off superhydrophobic gecko skin, and its microstructure also kills bacteria, a structure which could save human lives
by Jonathan Sarfati
Submarine canyons bigger than Grand Canyon
09 Dec 2019
Carved as Noah’s Floodwaters receded
by Michael Oard
The pre-Flood world resembled Pangaea
03 Sep 2021
What was the pre-Flood continental configuration?
by Timothy L. Clarey and Davis J. Werner
A visit to a vitamin factory
21 Oct 2014
A thought-provoking allegory about a self-perpetuating, self-sustaining, bio-degradeable factory.
by Michael G Matthews