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Amazing ancient Chinese treasure ships
08 Feb 2016
Huge Chinese wooden ships as large as Noah’s Ark sailed around the Indian Ocean in the 15th century
by Warren Nunn
Evolutionary Stasis
01 Jan 2007
Are scientists guilty of using language that serves to distort or disguise the facts?
by Philip Bell
The platypus
07 Dec 2016
It’s one of Australia’s most curious creatures and-when first discovered-most thought it was a fraud.
by Paula Weston
The Wright brothers: pioneers of the skies
30 Mar 2016
The Wright brothers had a solid, Bible-based Christian upbringing which shaped their lives and led them to develop powered flight.
by Ann Lamont
Badly designed arguments—‘vestigial organs’ revisited
17 Dec 2011
The argument from ‘vestigial organs’ has been refuted many times by creationists, but some evolutionists still think it is a good argument against creation.
by Lita Sanders
Mudskippers—marvels of the mud-flats!
31 Aug 2013
Contrary to the claims of some, mudskippers are not ‘a creationist’s worst nightmare’.
by Philip Bell
Neptune: monument to creation
The planet that continues to confuse anti-creationists.
by Spike Psarris
Rodhocetus and other stories of whale evolution
03 Dec 2012
Rodhocetus, a key fossil in the story of whale evolution, proves to be nothing like textbooks and articles portray.
by Don Batten
30 May 2012
The evolutionist who was anti-God and anti-Darwin
by Russell Grigg
Gospel Dates and Reliability
25 Apr 2009
When were the Gospels written? How long was this after the events they record? Should they be trusted if they were written decades later?
by Lita Sanders
The disingenuous and anti-Christian nature of ‘gay rights’ rhetoric
18 Apr 2009
The homosexual rights lobby use some deceitful tactics, and are guilty of glaring double standards. Some of their churchian allies exhibit remarkable eisegetical gymnastics to evade the Bible’s clear teaching.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Dawkins and Design
17 Jun 2023
Some atheists like Richard Dawkins might accept a designer—as long as it is aliens not the biblical God.
by David Catchpoole