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The Census of Quirinius
29 Dec 2011
Luke’s account of the census of Quirinius holds up against biblioskeptical attacks.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Pollen Paradox
30 Aug 2023
Evolutionists have ‘allergic’ reaction to Precambrian pollen—South American fossils more than a billion evolutionary years ‘out of date’
by Emil Silvestru and Carl Wieland
The real ‘Jurassic park’?
03 Aug 2009
Not just DNA, but even entire organisms capable of being brought back to life are increasingly being found in specimens supposedly ‘millions of years old’.
by Shaun Doyle
The Greatest Hoax on Earth?
01 Nov 2011
Refuting Dawkins on Evolution, A response to The Greatest Show on Earth: the evidence for evolution
by Jonathan Sarfati
Episode 2: Great Transformations
by Jonathan Sarfati
The Sulawesi bear cuscus
20 Sep 2023
What has eyes like a lemur, a body like a koala, is often called a ‘marsupial monkey’, and shares its island home with pigs and dwarf buffaloes?
by Paula Weston and Carl Wieland
Frogs—Jeremiah was not a bullfrog
15 Jan 2014
When the band Three Dog Night sang ‘Jeremiah was a bullfrog’, was it making an evolutionary statement?
by Paula Weston
The geological column is a general Flood order with many exceptions
17 Jan 2014
A general Flood order with many exceptions.
by Michael Oard
Getting behind the evolution façade
06 May 2014
Many Christians say evolution is mostly a mere facade that atheists hide behind. There’s a lot of truth in that …
by David Catchpoole
From sand to rock—fast!
03 Nov 2009
With the help of added microbes, researchers can turn soft sand into rock as hard as marble. You don’t need millions of years.
by David Catchpoole
A Response to Richard Dawkins’ The Blind Watchmaker
Sermon material for preachers
19 Feb 2014
What do you teach a congregation that already believes the Genesis creation account?
by David Catchpoole