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Is evolution allowed by scientific laws?
18 Sep 2010
What do ‘scientific laws’ tell us? And can foxes interbreed with other dog species?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Abortion argument unravels
11 Sep 2006
How the unborn child defends itself against its mother, confirming that he/she is a separate human being from the start.
by Alexander Williams
Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation
05 Jan 2018
We reveal the scientific problems with Cox’s claims regarding the big bang, the CMB, the horizon problem, the flatness problem, faster-than-light inflation, an eternal universe, and a multiverse.
by Russell Grigg
Scientific laws of information: part 2
12 Nov 2010
Materialistic evolution is the ‘perpetual motion machine’ of information.
by Werner Gitt
Defining arguments away—the distorted language of secularism
23 Aug 2013
How key terms in the origins debate have been defined to slant the ‘rules of engagement’ between Christianity and secularism against Christianity.
by Shaun Doyle
Why is CMI so dogmatic on 24-hour creation days?
12 Aug 2023
Why does six-day creation matter? How can we refute old-earth compromisers?
by Jonathan Sarfati
Thomas Nagel—The atheist who dared to question materialism
27 Mar 2014
Neo-Darwinists are upset that an atheist philosopher has questioned their view of materialism.
by Warren Nunn
Cuttlefish colour changes inspire new energy-efficient TV screen design
04 Oct 2017
Human designers of TV screen copy one of the ways cuttlefish change colour.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Do I have to believe in a historical Genesis to be saved?
27 Sep 2022
It all depends on what the gospel is.
by Shaun Doyle
When was the Last Supper?
09 Apr 2020
Was the Last Supper on Wednesday or Thursday?
by Lita Sanders
Vintage Journal: The plantaris muscle
13 May 2011
Is this little-known muscle a true vestigial organ?
by David N. Menton
Germ’s miniature motor has a clutch
08 Jul 2008
The microscopic motor that powers a germ’s flagellum is a masterpiece of design. Discovery of a ‘clutch’ reinforces this.
by Jonathan Sarfati