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Evolutionary ‘programming’ and the stumbling block of thousands of years
21 Mar 2015
Most don’t realize it but from a young age we are programmed into acceptance of the millions of years.
by Gary Bates
Is CMI only focused on one thing?
30 Nov 2017
Far from being a ‘side issue’, focusing on Creation helps us to proclaim Jesus as Creator and Saviour.
by Erin Hughes
Sevens in the Bible: a reason to doubt God created in a literal week?
07 Aug 2021
A reason to doubt God created in a literal week?
by Shaun Doyle
The proportion of polypeptide chains which generate native folds—part 4: reusing existing secondary sequences
07 Jun 2013
Are native-like protein folds easy to generate naturally from reused secondary structures?
by Royal Truman
Examining the usage and scope of historical science—a response to Dr Carol Cleland and a defence of terminology
28 Aug 2020
Why is historical science less trustworthy than operational science? Important question—let’s find out!
by Paul Price
Young Earth and Flood: Why they matter
02 Aug 2021
Creation magazine editorial: A pastor and a geologist realize why the young earth and global flood are foundational to the authority of Scripture, the goodness of God, and the Gospel
by Jonathan Sarfati
The holiness of God and three great events in history
28 Sep 2020
God’s holiness, as seen at the Fall, at the Crucifixion, and at the last great Judgment.
by Russell Grigg
Revisiting the problem of very old landforms
25 Jan 2019
Should landforms like planation surfaces even still exist, if the earth is billions of years old?
by Michael J. Oard
Earth impacts and the faint young sun
27 Apr 2018
A look at the problems associated with evolutionary origin-of-life scenarios for our world.
by Wayne Spencer
Lesson 7
The Astronomy Book -- study guide: Lesson 7
by anon
Kangaroos in India?
16 Aug 2021
Rock art in India depicting kangaroos supports the Bible.
by Philip Robinson
Creation magazine 40(1) Contents
Creation magazine 40(1) Contents index