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Why is the church losing its young people?
09 Aug 2010
We hope you enjoy this sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the printed magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Why a butterfly flutters by
27 Nov 2013
Some might think that the butterfly, with its jerky fluttering flight, is a ‘primitive’ and inefficient flyer. Actually, their complicated wing movements generate more lift than simple flapping would do.
by David Catchpoole
‘Just preach the Gospel!’
08 Mar 2023
The New Testament authors preached the Gospel under a background of Genesis history. This includes the people, events, time frame, and order of events.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Where was Eden?
22 May 2019
What information does the Bible give us that might help to locate Eden?
by Lita Cosner and Robert Carter
Did Jesus have a wife?
07 Jul 2016
Is a new Coptic fragment evidence that some early Christians thought Jesus was married?
by Lita Sanders
Zenkey, zonkey, zebra donkey!
13 Aug 2014
Everyone was expecting the pregnant donkey to give birth to a donkey foal. But the newborn had … stripes!
by David Catchpoole
Mostly masterful defence of Christianity; pity it’s slack on creation
10 Jul 2009
D’Souza shows Christianity’s beneficial effects on government, science, philosophy, and morality, and refutes christophobic attacks.
by Lita Sanders
The family of cats—delineation of the feline basic type
24 Mar 2017
The household moggy has a much more complicated family tree than previously thought.
by Barnabas Pendragon and Niko Winkler
Bees outsmart supercomputers
19 Jan 2022
Even the best supercomputers struggle to solve the ‘Travelling Salesman Problem’. Yet bees do it as a matter of course.
by Carl Wieland
A fossil is a fossil is a fossil. Right?
03 Jan 2008
Do today’s definitions of the word ‘fossil’ rule out a biblical timescale by default?
by Cecil Allen
Big bang beliefs: busted
06 Mar 2017
Big bang cosmogony requires many fudge factors to stay afloat, including dark matter, dark energy, and faster-than-light inflation.
by John Hartnett
The ‘bird of prey’ that’s not
21 Nov 2012
This fierce looking bird, with its sharp, hooked beak, and vicious ‘raptor’ talons, looks ‘obviously’ designed for tearing and devouring flesh—but it normally nibbles nuts.
by David Catchpoole