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Evangelism in the Ebola epidemic
11 Dec 2017
A medical missionary talks about ministering with the Gospel in the midst of a deadly Ebola outbreak.
by Lita Sanders
Youngest and brightest galaxy … or is it?
29 Feb 2008
Artistry and the big bang story take over where the data leaves off
by John Hartnett
Genetic Entropy and the Gospel
06 Apr 2021
Multiple pieces of evidence support the idea of genetic entropy, but if it is true there is no hope for the human race outside of the second coming of Jesus Christ.
by Robert Carter
Did Jesus die because of how God made us?
18 Nov 2014
The biblical account of death stands in stark contrast to the Western story of death and evolution over millions of years.
by Peter Milford
Alien Intrusion celebrates 10 years
14 Jul 2015
Alien Intrusion is still answering tough questions about aliens and UFOs 10 years later!
by Carl Wieland
Well-armed water fleas and radishes
Things aren't always as they seem when it comes to nature.
by Carl Wieland
Strong defence of the biblical Adam
03 Nov 2017
A refreshing assessment of Genesis that biblical creationists should find useful.
by Lita Sanders
Real particle physics disappoints big bangers
25 Nov 2019
Latest antimatter research undermines big bang theory
by Jonathan Sarfati
Is there a Reformed approach to science and Scripture?
19 Aug 2016
Ambiguity rules when the question of theology and the age of the earth are considered.
by Ian Hodge
Truth, half truths and outright falsehoods!
17 Mar 2015
When listening to evolutionary, old age rhetoric it is important to separate the facts from the fantasy.
by Gary Bates
Were the ‘sons of God’ and/or the nephilim extraterrestrials?
19 Apr 2022
Who were the sons of God and the Nephilim of Genesis 6? Were the sons of God aliens? Or were they angels? Or Sethites marrying Cainites? What do Scripture and science say about ET?
by n/a
The Heart Mountain catastrophic slide
31 Jul 2008
It’s a problem for uniformitarian geology, but solved by the biblical Flood.
by Michael Oard