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Non-glacial landforms indicate thin Scandinavian and British-Irish Ice Sheets
16 Nov 2018
Were these ice sheets too thick to fit within the biblical Ice Age?
by Michael J. Oard
The total bankruptcy of so-called theistic evolution
21 Dec 2018
The total bankruptcy of so-called theistic evolution.
by John Woodmorappe
Creation among the crowds
22 Jan 2009
An experienced open-air evangelist shares from experience about the tragic fallacy of claiming that evolution and the age of the world are ‘side issues’ to the Gospel.
by Andy Banton
Over-engineered odour detectors
17 Sep 2018
Fruit flies’ ability to sniff out explosives explodes evolution myth
by David Catchpoole
Why is sin attractive?
12 Feb 2022
Did God make sin that way? Or is there something inherent in what sin is that makes it attractive?
by Shaun Doyle
Answering questions about aliens/UFOs
14 Aug 2021
We answer some questions regarding extraterrestrial life and UFOs.
by Gary Bates
Systematic theology with a solid foundation
09 Apr 2021
Systematic theology with a solid foundation
by Cody J. Guitard
Keen insights into Genesis 1–3 flawed by analogical days approach
12 Feb 2021
Some keen insights into Genesis 1–3, but hampered by an analogical days approach.
by Keaton Halley
A truly stunning event
11 Feb 2009
CMI’s recent international family supercamp/conference held in southeastern Australia featured scientific breakthrough announcements as well as wonderful family fun.
by Carl Wieland
Why would a designer leave debris floating in space?
11 Dec 2021
Are cratered planetary landscapes and moonscapes, and colliding galaxies, evidence against an Intelligent Designer?
by Andrew Sibley
Life among the trolls (and lots of nice people)!
06 Nov 2018
Being a volunteer moderator for CMI.
by Renee Allen
Back to the future
31 Dec 2009
In the classic 1985 film, Marty McFly showed the dangers of messing with history. Replacing our real history with evolutionary fantasy is even more disastrous.
by Grant Zippel