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New time dilation helps creation cosmology
Dr Humphreys new creation cosmology solves distant starlight problem for relatively close stars.
by Russ Humphreys
General and Special Revelation
28 Oct 2010
Can nature be called the ‘67th book of the Bible’? Whether natural and supernatural revelation should be considered as equally reliable forms of divine communication to human beings is a crucially important question.
by Dominic Statham
What’s in a name?
16 Nov 2016
Why did Moses use different names for God in Genesis chapters 1 and 2?
by Russell Grigg
Was God’s finished creation perfect?
16 Apr 2013
The Genesis 1:31 teaching that God created everything “very good” sharply contradicts billions-of-years dogma, so compromisers try to explain this away.
by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Do I have to believe in a literal creation to be a Christian?
17 Aug 2011
Disbelief in Genesis is a slippery slope that has caused many to fall.
by Russell Grigg
The mind of God and the ‘big bang’
06 Jan 2024
Classic article refuting the big bang re-posted after 30 years, with lots of updates but not corrections. The updates reinforce the claims of the originals.
by Russell Grigg
Light, life and the glory of God
03 Aug 2016
At least 11 occasions in the Bible of light appearing without the sun show that the sun was not necessary to provide light on Day 1 of Creation Week.
by Russell Grigg
Darwin’s bulldog—Thomas H. Huxley
27 Jun 2012
The ‘success’ of Darwin’s theory of evolution in the 19th century was largely due to the work of this man. So who was he and what motivated him?
by Russell Grigg
How to build a bomb in the public school system
19 Sep 2012
The 1999 Columbine massacre prompted people to ask, ‘How could they do this?’ How indeed …
by David Catchpoole
Patterns of evidence: Exodus. A review
15 Jan 2015
Increasingly, secular archaeologists claim there is no evidence of the Hebrew occupation of ancient Egypt. This film begs to differ.
by Gary Bates
The Genesis Flood and Noah’s Ark
27 Aug 2015
Evidence for the Genesis Flood and Noah’s Ark is crucial to understanding the world’s history.
by Tas Walker
Darwin and the Fuegians
11 Jul 2012
Darwin used the indigenous people of Tierra del Fuego to illustrate his ideas about human evolution. How could he have been so wrong?
by Russell Grigg