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Will Heaven ever get boring?
09 Jun 2018
A reader asks: Will Heaven ever get boring? How would you respond?
by Lita Sanders
Will humans explore the stars?
18 Feb 2012
And colonize other planets?
by Lita Cosner, Gary Bates
Refuting compromising critic of CMI seminar
17 Nov 2011
Compromising theistic evolutionary biology lecturer attacks CMI speakers in a fact-free character assassination. We show why the Bible should be our final authority, including its corollary, ‘young-earth’ creation.
by Gary Bates, Dr Jonathan Sarfati
Dark energy and the elusive chameleon—more darkness from the dark side
08 Oct 2015
Along with fudge factors, such as Dark Matter used to explain the big bang, the chameleon particle has been introduced even though there’s no evidence it exists.
by John Hartnett
Christian philosopher sees no conflict with evolution
29 Apr 2017
CMI’s response to the arguments of Alvin Plantinga.
by Keaton Halley
Creation education in Russia
12 Feb 2013
While secularists seek to stifle the teaching of creation evidences in western schools, some politicians of the former communist-bloc are more open-minded.
by Naomal Wijesinghe
How geckos become unstuck
15 Mar 2023
Geckos stick to surfaces with tiny hairs that attract by van der Waals forces, and come unstuck by controlling angle of the hairs and springy curved toes.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Using your talent
01 Jan 2013
Moving into the New Year, here is a challenge: ‘What on earth are you doing, for heaven’s sake?’
by Phil Robinson
Super scented
20 Feb 2012
When it comes to sniffing out odours, nothing beats a dog’s nose.
by Tas Walker
“Microstructural architecture” of feathers makes them tough
02 Aug 2023
Electron microscope unlocks the amazing design of the structures that makes avian flight possible.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Supermoon eclipse
31 Jan 2019
Total eclipse of wolf supermoon causing blood moon: what can creationists learn?
by Jonathan Sarfati
What should Christians think about artificial selection and genetic modification?
08 Apr 2020
Is it ok for humans to modify organisms? What about human-animal hybrids? We discuss the biblical and ethical guidelines for Christians in today’s world of rapidly developing biotechnology.
by Matthew Cserhati, Gary Bates